Marriage Counselor in Short Hills NJ — Relationship Solutions NJ

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Are you looking for Marriage Counseling in Short Hills, Essex County, NJ?

Dr. Mark and Dr. Tamara have counseled thousands of couples throughout New Jersey over their professional careers spanning 25+ years.

Couples begin therapy in an emotional state that is different for each person. You might be in a relationship that experiences issues involving lack of physical intimacy, problems with finances, disagreements on how to raise your children and beyond.

No matter how the rift within your relationship manifests itself, all of the couples Dr. Mark and Dr. Tamara have worked with shared underlying deep wounds inflicted by their loved ones. They felt unheard, unloved, misunderstood and very lonely within the relationship. Let’s come together and learn from this experience.

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”Cupid’s Arrow Carries a Love Potion That Evaporates With Time”

Top Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling in SHORT HILLS NJ

Dr. Tamara and Dr. Mark provide a welcoming, nurturing, and safe environment where each member of the relationship is heard. Our goal is to really understand the pain-causing reinforced negative patterns. We believe in educating couples and married individuals in boosting their communication skills to improve the relationship. 

Is your relationship or marriage suffering? Let’s Fix it Together!

Marriages and relationships are resilient and can be healed. But we want to find the pain that causes the foundational cracks before we can patch them. You deserve a loving relationship and so do your spouse and family. Invest in therapy to build the strongest relationship you have ever experienced. Start by calling and making an appointment to start the healing process below.

Get a FREE Consultation with a Short Hills Therapist for Married Couples

Fill out the contact form, call, or text 201-341-1219 for
a consultation, questions, or to schedule a session.

According to Recent Research, the following signs are proven symptoms of relationship deterioration that are associated with a greatly increased probability of breakup or divorce:

  1. Feeling Distant

  2. Increase in Arguing or Negativity

  3. Lack of Affection

  4. Increase in Anger, Hostility and/or Sarcasm

  5. Avoidance of Each Other; Stonewalling

  6. Trust Issues (affairs; hiding cell phone/texting; suspicious absences)

If You're Having One or More of the Signs Listed Above, Be Sure to Take Some Action Soon to Improve Your Situation.

What Do Couples Normally Argue About?

  • Physical intimacy (Too little . . . too much. . . how much is the right amount?) 

  • Jealousy and infidelity (How can I trust that my partner is being faithful?) 

  • Parenting styles (One parent is too easy, the other parent is too tough . . . who’s correct?)

  • Finances (One partner is a scrooge, the other is a spender. How do you create a financial plan that honors the need to save with the need to enjoy life?)

  • In-laws (Setting boundaries with in-laws and shifting primary allegiance from the family of origin to each other is the task of early marriages and relationships. Hence, in-laws issues tend to be more prevalent in first marriages).

  • Step-children (Blending families together, balancing the needs of husbands and wives along with the needs of the children, is the difficult task to master in subsequent marriages).

Our Marriage Counseling helps by providing:

  • A safe environment for all points of view to be heard, validated and considered

  • Communication skill building

  • Relationship skill building

  • Effective boundary setting and respect

  • Psycho-education about appropriate family roles and expectations

  • Wisdom and coaching from a neutral, professionally trained and highly experienced third party