Anxiety Therapist in Northern NJ — Relationship Solutions NJ

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Why should a person seeking individual therapy contact a therapist at

Dr. Tamara and Dr. Mark have assisted thousands of people in West Orange, NJ to learn to successfully treat anxiety issues. Anxiety disorders are prevalent in about 20% of the population and they are very treatable. In addition to our tears of experience, caring and compassion, we use a combination of evidence-based techniques consisting of mindfulness, relaxation training, cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance therapy, and exposure-response prevention strategies.

Our first step is to assess and identify your specific type of anxiety disorder. We need to differentiate between:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

    Do you persistently worry about a number of things in ways that are out of proportion to their importance or impact? Do you overthink plans and solutions to all possible worst-case outcomes? Do you experience difficulty dealing with uncertainty?

    Are you indecisive? Unable to relax? etc.

  • Panic Attacks

    Do you experience sudden, brief episodes of panic where your body has symptoms of racing heart, light-headedness and more, such that you feel you will die?  The symptoms are so intense and emotionally draining that you develop intense anticipatory anxiety of the attack occurring again?

  • Phobias

    Irrational fears that interfere with your life?  Examples are fear of germs, contamination, or blood; fear of leaving the house; fear of spiders, etc.

  • Obsessive compulsive disorder

    The thoughts above are so distressing, the only way you can overcome them is by creating a ritual pattern of thoughts or behaviors that provide relief. Thus, the person with an irrational fear obtains temporary relief by excessive hand washing (for germs), counting or checking (e.g., did I lock the door?) etc.

  • Social Anxiety Disorder

    You are so self-conscious around other people. You are sure that they are evaluating you negatively. You remain quiet because you are sure you have nothing of value to contribute to any conversation. You avoid social gatherings because they make you so anxious, etc.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you deserve to begin the journey of healing and to obtain long lasting relief by contacting Dr. Mark or Dr. Tamara.  

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