Anger Management Therapist in West Orange, NJ
Dr. Mark and Dr. Tamara have assisted thousands of people learn to successfully identify, cope and manage anger over careers spanning 25+ years.
Anger, is actually a normal protective emotion. How we handle anger, can be problematic. Water, like anger, is protective and necessary for life. However, torrents of uncontrolled water (or anger), create havoc and destruction. Likewise, pent up water (or anger) seep into cracks and create mold and damage. Water and anger are necessary for life, and are most helpful when they are channeled appropriately.
You may have excessive anger issues if:
you often feel angry.
your anger seems out of control.
your anger is harming your relationships.
your anger is hurting others.
your anger leads you to say or do things you regret.
your anger leads to verbal and/or physical abuse.
We teach teach you to:
identify the sources of your anger (which are often old emotional wounds triggered by current events);
regulate and neutralize your anger;
communicate your feelings in an emotionally appropriate manner, allowing you to be heard and problem solve.
If anger causes you harm, you deserve to address these issues with Dr. Tamara or Dr. Mark. The investment results in improved feelings of self-worth and improved relationships.
Download our free
E-Book for
Understanding Anger