Dr. Tamara has developed this unique approach to helping individuals thrive!
We live in two interdependent worlds: the world outside of us, and the world within. Often, we are unable to effect change in the outer world. The inner world is where we can create new realities.
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E-Book for
Mapping and Mastery of the Inner World: An innovative guide to self-empowerment
The inner world is similar to a play. In a play, you have actors playing different roles. They are not all on the stage at one time. Rather, different actors “star” in different scenes. There is also a Director, whose job it is to step away, observe the actors and provide them with feedback. Similarly, we have different parts that control the self: The critical part that can be directed inwards at us and/or outwards at others; the nurturing/loving part that can also be directed similarly. We have many other parts that often conflict with one another, creating inner distress. For example, it is not uncommon to have an inner conflict between the part of us that likes pleasing others and the part that wants to be treated fairly.
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E-Book for “
Why do we argue so much?”
I help you map your parts, improve at recognizing the parts, and strengthen your Director to learn to meet the needs of all the parts.
Using this information permits you to improve communication and interaction with others.
I describe this method in public lectures, and teach and supervise other therapists using this innovative method.
Many years after therapy has ended, I still receive notes and calls from former clients letting me know that they still utilize the skills they learned.