Are you looking for Marriage Counseling in Mercer County, NJ?
Dr. Mark and Dr. Tamara have collectively worked and helped thousands of couples over professional careers spanning 25+ years. These couples have begun therapy with emotional states that varied on spectrums from superficial politeness at one end, to bitter antagonism on the other end; overly enmeshed to overly detached; struggling over issues involving lack of physical intimacy to conflict over money, raising children, betrayal and infidelity, dealing with in-laws and step children; violent with each other verbally, and sometimes physically; struggling with dependency to addictions to chemicals (alcohol, drugs) and/or behaviors (e.g., gambling, porn, shop-lifting, etc.) No matter the outward presentation of detachment, rage, tearfulness or cold passivity, all of these individuals shared underlying deep wounds inflicted by their loved ones. They felt unheard, unloved, misunderstood and very lonely within the relationship.
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”Cupid’s Arrow Carries a Love Potion That Evaporates With Time”
Dr. Tamara and Dr. Mark provide a safe, nurturing environment where each person is heard, and each partner comes to really understand the pain underlying the negative patterns that have been established within the relationship. Communication skills are taught, helping the relationship improve. Underlying unresolved issues are often the source of the present problems; these are uncovered, processed and healed.
If your marriage has any of the foundational cracks listed above, you owe it to yourselves and your family to invest in creating a firm, strong foundation for yourself, your partner and your family by calling and making an appointment to start the healing process.